The Two Great Myths
The Israel Lobby disseminates two great myths in order to perpetuate Israel's occupation of Palestine and to promote the death and destruction of Israel's enemies. The first myth is that the U.S. is under attack from "Islamofascists" for the purpose of spreading Islam. The second myth is that Israeli/Palestinian peace is impossible, so don't bother trying. Looking ahead to the 2008 elections, the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" has an article entitled "Rosner's Domain----The Israeli Factor: Ranking the presidential candidates." On a score of one to ten: worst for Israel is one, and best for Israel is 10. See Leading the pack at 8.13 is Rudy Giuliani under whose picture is written, "The former New York mayor returned a $10 million donation from a Saudi prince after 9/11 following his comments on Israel." In other words, Giuliani is a hero to the Lobby because he keeps the truth from the American people, thus helping to keep myth #1 alive. The $10 million, intended for families of 9/11 victims, was contingent upon the prince being able to tell the American people that we were attacked on 9/11 because of our foreign policy favoring Israel. This was of course eventually shown to be true by the 9/11 commission (see previous blog "The Great Debate, Part 3" 10/19/06). At the bottom of the pack is Senator Chuck Hagel at 3.88. Under his picture is stated, "The Senator for Nebraska believes that resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is central to Middle East peace." That is the death knell for Hagel as far as the Lobby is concerned since the Lobby prefers to deny the truth that Israel was a factor, for instance, in our invasion of Iraq (see previous blogs "Why Iraq? Parts 1-7" 1/15/06-1/21/06). Most elected officials are merely politicians who prostitute themselves to the Lobby to raise funds for their re-elections. Rarely, however, there comes along a true statesman willing to debunk myths for the greater good of our country.