Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The JINSA Crowd, Part 2

After 9/11, the neoconservative/Zionists had persuaded President Bush to include the Palestinians in his War Against Terror and to refuse to meet with duly-elected Palestinian President Arafat. As Karen DeYoung writes, "In his new 'with us or against us' view of the world, Powell thought Bush tended to see the Israeli/Palestinian situation in black-and-white terms---'Sharon good, Arafat bad.' " ("Soldier---The Life of Colin Powell," p. 356) This was particularly tragic because in 2002, the Arab League endorsed the Saudi Peace Plan, (See previous blog "The Saudi Peace Plan" 1/11/06), which was accepted by Arafat's Palestinian government and virtually the rest of the world except for Israel and the U.S. Rather than Mideast peace, Bush had his heart set on war with Israel's enemy, Iraq. Just as the neoconservative/Zionists trumped up false evidence supporting an Iraq invasion, they trumped up false evidence against Arafat. From Israel came death threats against Arafat in line with their beloved policy of targeted assassinations. In September 2003, the U.N. General Assembly voted 133-4 to condemn Israeli threats against Arafat. The four opposed to the condemnation were Israel, the US, Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands. An article in "The Guardian" (UK) 4/24/04 , entitled "Sharon: 'We May Kill Arafat,' " quoted Sharon, (having just spoken to President Bush), "I told the president the following. In our first meeting about three years ago, I accepted your request not to harm Arafat physically. I told him I understand the problems surrounding the situation, but I am released from that pledge." A few months later Arafat died of a "mysterious illness," poisoning, no doubt. Thus, instead of Mideast peace, we have increasing numbers of civil wars in countries which oppose Israel's occupation. The Zionists may believe this is fine for Israel, but it is fatal for the U.S.


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