Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Lobby's Blitzkrieg, Part 2

If the hysterical falsehoods hurled at President Carter sound familiar, it is because they are slung at all others who dare speak out. Professors Walt and Mearsheimer, who published the taboo-shattering paper "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy" (See previous blogs "The Lobby" and "WSJ Response" 3/26/06 and "The Great Debate, Parts 1-4" 10/17/06-11/26/06) , were subjected to the same verbiage verbatim. It is crucial to The Lobby's agenda that the American public be kept in the dark concerning Israel's despicable treatment of the Palestinians, as described in Carter's book. It is important that America be kept unaware of the real reason we are hated in the Muslim world. Otherwise America might wake up to the importance of establishing a just peace in Palestine not only #1: to prevent future 9/11's, but also #2: to be able to enlist Muslim nations to join us in establishing peace in Iraq and Afghanistan, and #3: to prevent the Israel Lobby from pushing us into invading more countries, such as Iran, on behalf of Israel, as was true with Iraq. A just peace between Israel and her neighbors, as outlined in the 2002 Arab League Peace Plan, (see previous blog "The Saudi Peace Plan" 1/11/06) , would bring this unnecessary so-called war on terror to an end. The problem is, of course, Israel does not want to give back its stolen land.


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