Machinations of the Israel Lobby Neocons
It seems Israel has launched a massive PR campaign attempting to beautify its ugly global image. (See The New York Times 2/18/2010) At the same time, however, Israel's well-deserved reputation as Murder, Inc. is reinforced by all the recent videos of its henchmen carrying out yet another targeted assassination in a foreign country. Israel will remain better known for its blood-thirsty policy of extrajudicial murders and other crimes than for its invention of the cherry tomato.
President Obama drew intense hatred from the war-mongering Israel lobby neocons when he took a well-publicized stand against illegal Israeli settlement expansionism. He has been in trouble ever since. At a NYU debate on US/Israeli relations, (See Newsweek 2/22/2010), Roger Cohen, former New York Times foreign editor, pointed out that Obama "has been told by some Jewish congressmen, if you want your health bill, step back on Israel."
Dominated by the powerful Israel Lobby, Congress is blatantly dysfunctional. with many members rooting for the failure of all Obama's initiatives, including the financial regulation so necessary to prevent a repeat of last year's costly catastrophe. A Gallop poll shows Congress' job approval in February 2010 to be only 18%.
The Israel Lobby neocons who lied us into war with Iraq are now determined to lie us into war with Iran, also designed to serve the interests of Israeli expansionism. All these unnecessary and unfunded wars are bankrupting our country, and now the Chinese are selling our bonds. There are worries about a run on the dollar, massive inflation, and high interest rates. Like rats leaving a sinking ship, Congressmen are retiring in droves. It is high time to expose the treasonous Israel-firsters.
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