Monday, February 08, 2010

Kill, Kill, Kill

As Stephen J. Sniegoski points out on his book The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel, it has long been Zionist strategy to foment civil wars in Muslim countries. This policy was enunciated in February 1982 by Israeli strategist Oded Yinon writing in the World Zionist Organization magazine Kivunim. Yinon relished the Iraq-Iran War which he hoped would lead to civil war and fragmentation of Iraq, Israel's most feared enemy. It did not. However, the Zionist neocons lied us into an unnecessary invasion of Iraq in 2003 which did foment a civil war.

Iraq authority Nir Rosen testified before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee 4/2/08 that before our invasion, Iraqis had no history of serious sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites and "viewed themselves as Iraqis first." "Intermarriage was widespread", and most tribes were mixed Sunni/Shiite. The majority of the Baath party was Shiite, as was the army, including officers. As Rosen wrote in The Washington Post 5/16/07, when we occupied the country, we "treated the Sunnis as the bad guys and the Shiites as the good guys" and imposed sectarian identities onto Iraq's regions which had not been there before.

The Zionist neocons similarly fomented a civil war in Palestine after Hamas won over Fatah in a fair, non-violent, internationally supervised election in January 2006. As President Jimmy Carter has described in his books Palestine Peace Not Apartheid and We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work, Hamas had governed well and was free of corruption unlike Fatah. This is why they were elected. Hamas had observed a long cease-fire since August 2004 and was willing to extend this for decades. Hamas did not recognize Israel, but then neither do 57 countries, one third of the United nations, because of Israel's illegal occupations, persecutions and war crimes. Hamas has been willing to accept a peace with Israel agreed to by the Palestinian people.

As David Rose wrote in Vanity Fair, April 2008, Hamas was eager to form a unity government with Fatah, but Fatah was pressured by the US and Israel to say no: money necessary to run the government was withheld. In February 2007, Saudi Arabia negotiated a unity government: "When the news hit the streets that the Saudis had promised to pay the Palestinian Authority's salary bills, Fatah and Hamas members in Gaza celebrated together by firing their Kalashnikovs into the air." Joy was short lived as the Bush neocons were livid: "Condi was apoplectic." The US "redoubled the pressure" and provided $1.27 billion (over 5 years) to arm Fatah so as to overthrow Hamas. The resulting bloody civil war resulted in the partition of Palestine.

Likewise, in Afghanistan our invasion has resulted in civil war between pro-Western elements and traditionalists. This war has managed to destabilize Pakistan causing civil warfare there too. Meanwhile, we're also spending hundreds of millions of dollars trying to foment civil strife in Iran.

In Afghanistan, President Karzai would like to negotiate with Taliban leader Mullah Omar, but the Obama administration neocons say no, preferring to kill, kill, kill. Our drones terrorize the population, murdering civilians, including women and children. These deaths of course inspire even more anti-American hatred and revenge attacks. This is all modeled after the Israeli policy of assassinating Hamas leaders rather than negotiating peace. It is time to end our terrorist invasions and occupations and work for peace.


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