Friday, September 28, 2007

The Lobby at Work

When the Israel Lobby aims to destroy someone, first they demonize him, then they try to prevent him from having a fair hearing. Thus, The Lobby tried to prevent Iranian President Ahmadinejad from speaking at Columbia University on September 24. There were rabid crowds of Zionists protesting outside, and TV newscasts featured women spitting, reminiscent of previous TV newscasts of Israeli West Bank "settlers" spitting at caged Palestinians.

Columbia's President Bollinger, no doubt hoping to counter the potential withdrawal of Zionist funding from Columbia, astonished the world by turning his introduction of an invited guest into a torrent of invective and insults. It was important for The Lobby to silence and/or discredit President Ahmadinejad because Americans are not supposed to know about the plight of the Palestinians.

Nevertheless, Ahmadinijad spoke clearly, "You know quite well that Palestine is an old wound, as old as 60 years. For 60 years these people are displaced. For 60 years these people are being killed. For 60 years on a daily basis there's conflict and terror. For 60 years innocent women and children are destroyed and killed by helicopters and airplanes that break the houses over their heads. For 60 years children in kindergartens, in schools, and in high schools are imprisoned and being tortured. For 60 years security in the Middle East has been endangered. For 60 years the slogan of the expansionists: 'From the Nile to the Euphrates' is being chanted by certain groups in that part of the world."

Of course in its reporting of the event, the Lobby-dominated media chose to ignore the Palestinian issue, which was only the root cause of 9/11, and instead, the media concentrated on the very important issue of the presence of homosexuals in Iran. Meanwhile The Lobby was busily and successfully pressuring US senators, who have been prostituted by Lobby-generated campaign funding, to pass a resolution designating Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization. Thus, The Lobby now has its pretext for yet another war.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Book

The Book on The Lobby has arrived, hopefully in time to prevent The Lobby from driving the last nail into the American coffin. The Lobby pushed us into this unnecessary, unwinnable, and unending war with Iraq and now is pushing us into another unnecessary, unwinnable, and unending war with Iran. The University of Chicago's Professor John Mearsheimer and Harvard's Professor Stephen Walt have elaborately documented The Lobby's role in undermining U.S. foreign policy for decades. Their book, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," is an exquisitely organized, elegant presentation detailing the mechanism by which The Lobby continues to destroy our country by generating anti-American hatred around the world.

The Lobby has relentlessly blocked Israeli/Palestinian peace, thus inspiring terrorist attacks such as 9/11. The Lobby's deathly stranglehold on politicians and the media prevents the U.S. from combatting terrorism appropriately through international cooperation and police work. The Lobby prefers wars. Rather than utilizing diplomacy to address the legitimate grievances of the Arab and Muslim world, The Lobby prefers to utilize the military industrial complex for such niceties as targeted assassinations (missiles), collective punishment (bombing civilians), and trashing countries such as Iraq and Lebanon. Their prevailing attitude seems to be that if America perishes as a result of The Lobby's policies, so be it.