Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Book

The Book on The Lobby has arrived, hopefully in time to prevent The Lobby from driving the last nail into the American coffin. The Lobby pushed us into this unnecessary, unwinnable, and unending war with Iraq and now is pushing us into another unnecessary, unwinnable, and unending war with Iran. The University of Chicago's Professor John Mearsheimer and Harvard's Professor Stephen Walt have elaborately documented The Lobby's role in undermining U.S. foreign policy for decades. Their book, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," is an exquisitely organized, elegant presentation detailing the mechanism by which The Lobby continues to destroy our country by generating anti-American hatred around the world.

The Lobby has relentlessly blocked Israeli/Palestinian peace, thus inspiring terrorist attacks such as 9/11. The Lobby's deathly stranglehold on politicians and the media prevents the U.S. from combatting terrorism appropriately through international cooperation and police work. The Lobby prefers wars. Rather than utilizing diplomacy to address the legitimate grievances of the Arab and Muslim world, The Lobby prefers to utilize the military industrial complex for such niceties as targeted assassinations (missiles), collective punishment (bombing civilians), and trashing countries such as Iraq and Lebanon. Their prevailing attitude seems to be that if America perishes as a result of The Lobby's policies, so be it.


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