Saturday, July 21, 2007

Division Through Trickery

Sixty years ago, the UN divided Palestine roughly equally into a Jewish state and an Arab state. Today Israeli greed demands more and more, and thus even the Arab League Peace Plan, offering Israel 78% of Palestine, is not enough. Over the years, Israeli policy has been to divide Arab states by making peace with each singly, with the goal of leaving Palestinians without allies or hope. Egypt and Jordan have fallen prey to this plan, and Syria has been the most recent target.

As detailed in Clayton E. Swisher's "The Truth About Camp David," Syria's King Asad was tricked into taking part in the Geneva Summit in March 2000 because he had been falsely led to believe that a just settlement would be proposed, i.e. a return of Syrian land in exchange for peace. Previously, Egypt's President Sadat had agreed to the Camp David Peace Accords in 1978 because Israel returned all Egyptian land, having uprooted all Israeli settlements. However, as described in Jimmy Carter's "Palestine Peace Not Apartheid," Israel had also agreed, as part of the Camp David Peace Accords, to end the occupation of Palestine, but this turned out to be just a trick. President Sadat was then assassinated.

At the 2000 Geneva Summit, Israeli Prime Minister Barak, President Clinton, and US negotiator Dennis Ross made it clear they had no intention of returning all the stolen Syrian land for peace. Of course they then blamed the summit failure on President Asad, who had not wanted to attend in the first place, suspecting such trickery. The scenario was then repeated at Camp David II with Yassir Arafat. (See previous blog "The Myth of the Generous Offer" 5/13/07) Is it any wonder there is such anti-American hatred in the Muslim world and that American motives, in Iraq and elsewhere, are so distrusted?


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