Monday, June 04, 2007

Muslim vs Muslim Wars

The Israel lobby's neocons have been very successful in fomenting civil wars to benefit Israel. (See previous blog "Civil War Advocates" 4/15/06) For instance, adding to the civil wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we have been arming Fatah so as to bring about civil war against Hamas in Palestine. Furthermore, Seymour Hersh reports that we are bolstering militant Sunni extremist groups in Syria and Lebanon which are sympathetic to Al Qaeda. (The New Yorker, 3-5-07) In Syria these groups are being armed for the purpose of attacking the Syrian government. In Lebanon they are being armed in order to fight Hezbollah. Interestingly, one of these Sunni extremist groups is Fatah al-Islam, located in the Nahr el-Bared Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. Currently, the Lebanese Army, also armed by us, is attacking this group within the camp, as usual killing innocent civilians in the process. This is reminiscent of the Iran-Iraq War where we also provided arms for both sides as Henry Kissinger famously said that it was too bad both sides couldn't lose. (See previous blog "Somaliization" 1/11/07) There's apparently nothing that makes the Israel Lobby happier than Muslim vs Muslim wars. Indeed promoting such wars is part of the Lobby's strategy for countering Muslim resistance to Israel's never-ending occupation of Palestine.


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