Monday, June 11, 2007

Lost Souls

Due to Nazi policies of invasion, occupation, and death camps, Germany lost its soul. Similarly, Israel has lost its soul under policies of invasion, occupation, and deathly persecution of Palestinians. As America morphs into Israel, (see previous blog "Morphing into Israel" 1-25-06), our politicians have also lost their souls, as evidenced in the recent debates. Candidates for US president now endorse torture, nuclear preemptive strikes, and targeted assassinations with deaths of innocent civilians. One would think they were campaigning to become godfathers of the Mafia. Of course, given their financial dependence on Israel Lobby-generated campaign funds, this is not surprising. Furthermore, just as the Lobby lies about history to give Israel a good name, our politicians follow suit. For instance, in the 6-5-07 Republican debate, Mitt Romney claimed that the Iraq war was necessary because Saddam Hussein would not let UN weapons inspectors into Iraq. Yet anyone who was awake at the time knows that in the fall of 2002, Saddam did allow inspectors back in. They were forced to leave the following spring so that we could administer shock and awe. Continuing on the subject of lies, candidates favored pardoning convicted liar Scooter Libby. Lying is, of course, eminently pardonable, since it was part of Libby's job description as a member of the administration which lied us into war.


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