Tuesday, July 29, 2008

War With Iran, Part 6

In interviews with NBC's Brian Williams, Sept 06 and July 08, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad commented on certain US hypocrisies. For instance, although we ignore the fact that Israel has hundreds of nuclear warheads with no UN inspections, we will not allow Iran to have a peaceful nuclear energy program with UN inspections. Williams had observed that in Iran today there are two hour lines for gasoline. President Ahmadinejad pointed out that nuclear energy is clean, renewable, environmentally friendly, and that all nations should be entitled to possess it. This would serve to bring down the high cost of oil. Regarding terrorism, Ahmadinejad noted that the US had not only supported Saddam's horrendous war brought against Iran in the 80's, but the US also supported terrorists who killed Iranian authorities and officials.

In The New Yorker, July 7/14 2008, Seymour Hersh informs us that in late 2007, Congress agreed to provide $400 million for covert operations to fund and arm terrorists inside Iran aimed at regime change. These operations include supporting al-Qaeda-related groups such as the Baluchi fundamentalists, whose members include Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, mastermind of 9/11, and his nephew Ramzi Yousef, mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Our money, arms, and communications gear also go to groups such as the Jundallah, a violent Salafi organization whose followers attend the same madrassas as the Taliban; the M.E.K., a group on the State Department's terrorist list, and PJAK, a Kurdish terrorist group based in Northern Iraq which attacks not only Iran but also Turkey. In other words, our tax dollars go towards terrorism, kidnapping, rendition, torture, and targeted assassinations. Yet Bush, the Master Hypocrite, says he's fighting the War on Terror.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

War With Iran, Part 5

Last month Israel put on a big aerial show which was recognized to be a trial run for a pre-emptive attack on Iran. No wonder oil prices are sky-rocketing: the oil speculators realize that war with Iran would drastically cut off oil supplies. All Iran has to do is to sink one ship in order to block the narrow Strait of Hormuz through which 40% of all globally traded oil is shipped. Indeed Iran has promised to do this if attacked. As reported in The Wall Street Journal 7/7/08, "Some investment houses were saying last week that it was more likely than not that a war with Iran would break out this fall."

Certainly Bush, Lieberman, McCain and the other neocon Death Eaters are dead set on war with Iran. They are terrified at the prospect of an Obama presidency since Obama favors diplomacy. Death Eaters are allergic to diplomacy. Iran is hated by the Zionist neocons because Iran supports Hamas and Hezbollah who are considered freedom fighters in their resistance to Israel's detested occupation.

Iran occupies no country and has not invaded another country in centuries. Furthermore, Iranian President Ahmadinejad, speaking at Columbia University 9/24/07, stated that Iran would accept any peace with Israel accepted by the Palestinians. Thus the root of our problems is the Israeli occupation. This is why The Iraq Study Group Report stresses the importance of Israeli/Palestinian peace and also recommends diplomacy with Iran and Syria.