So-called "Christian" Zionists
As described in a previous blog, ("Christian Zionist Crusaders" 4/24/06), so-called "Christian" Zionists are anything but Christian. That which they preach and practice is quite the opposite of the teachings of Christ. Indeed, "Christian" Zionist leaders, with their powerful mega-churches and TV empires, can be downright murderous. For instance, Pat Robertson once "advocated the assassination of the president of Venezuela" (Boston Sunday Globe 7/9/06).
Also, at the time of the 2006 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, in which Israel perpetrated its typical collective punishment policy by killing "more than eleven hundred Lebanese, most of whom were civilians and roughly a third of whom were children" (Mearsheimer and Walt The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy p. 306), Pat Robertson's response was to oppose a cease fire. ("Pat Robertson Laments Middle East Cease Fire" AP 8/15/06) In addition, CNN reported (1/6/06) that Robertson had claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for removing Jewish settlers from Gaza. However, after a threat from Israel to exclude Robertson from involvement in a proposed $50 million tourism site in Israel, Robertson apologized and then worked with the Israeli government to film a TV commercial designed to attract Christian tourists to Israel. (The New York Times 11/14/06) Certainly there are billions of dollars to be made in Holy Land tourism.
A CNN documentary "God's Warriors" (August 2007) highlights thousands of "Christian" Zionists, like a flock of dim-witted sheep, mindlessly waving Israeli flags in the luxurious Texan mega-church of John Hagee. Hagee instructs his flock that the Old Testament claims all of Palestine for the Jews, including all of Jerusalem.
Indeed, "Christian" Zionists derive not only their war-mongering ethics from the Old Testament, but their entire knowledge of Middle East history comes from the Old Testament as well. Thus, they are unaware that when the UN partitioned Palestine in 1947, (see map in Jimmy Carter's book Palestine Peace Not Apartheid p. xiii), Jerusalem was left as an international city since it is holy to three religions. The Palestinian Arabs, who have resided in Palestine for over 1300 years, built the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in 685. It is the third most holy site in Islam. Yet the brainwashed "Christian" Zionists claim that the Old Testament commands Jews to steal all of Palestinian land. Jesus would puke.