Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Bandwagon

Lurking in the background of all societies are would-be war profiteers and looters hoping for war. Since it would be too obvious for them to advocate war by themselves, they perpetually lie in wait for an opportunity to arise. In the case of Iraq, their opportunity was created by Zionist neoconservatives who disseminated fabricated intelligence to make a case for war, a war designed to benefit Israel. (See previous blogs "Why Iraq?" and "Faulty Intelligence" January 2006.) Then, the Israel Lobby, through its control of politicians and the media, promoted the war, brainwashing the American public.

Once the Zionist neocons had started up the war bandwagon, the war profiteers and looters pounced on board. The Zionists knew full well that the WMD pretext was a scam and that toppling Saddam would lead to civil war, but that is precisely what they wanted. (See previous blogs "Civil War Advocates" 4/16/06 and "Muslim vs. Muslim War" 6/4/07.) Once the American public became aware that the US was stranded in an unnecessary civil war which was bankrupting the country, the Israel Lobby shifted the blame to its accomplices, claiming the war was all about looting Iraqi oil.

Certainly, it is true that the oil bill which the Bush administration has been trying to push through the Iraqi legislature is designed to greatly profit US oil companies. Indeed, many claim that Iraqi oil is necessary in the interest of US national security. Yet no one mentions the fact that most countries, who are not joined at the hip to Israel and who, therefore, have friendly relations with Muslim countries, do not have this problem. (See previous blogs "Why They Hate Us" January 2006.) China, for instance, who buys oil from Iran, does not need to invade or occupy Muslim countries to obtain oil. Moreover, China has the wherewithal to buy this oil, whereas, thanks to the Iraq war, we are becoming more in debt to China with every passing minute.


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