Debating Torture
Who would have ever thought that Americans would be debating the pro's and con's of torture. This shows how low we have already sunk as we morph into Israel. (See previous blog "Morphing into Israel" 1/25/06.) As Norman G. Finkelstein writes in his book "Beyond Chutzpah," "Human rights organizations have extensively documented Israel's systemic torture of Palestinian detainees." (p. 142) Here is another reason for the US to dissociate itself from Israel. (See previous blog "Time to Dissociate" 11/17/07.) The first reason is that our support of Israel's repugnant occupation has served to incite worldwide anti-American hatred. The second reason to dissociate is that like "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers," America is thereby becoming a monster. The Israel Lobby is pushing us to wage a multi-generational World War 111 against so-called "Islamofascists" while ignoring the ultra-Zionist settlers, "Judeofascists," who brutalize the Palestinians on our dime and in our name. (See previous blog "What Americans Don't Know" 11/10/07.) As Ken Burns PBS documentary on World War 11 so well illustrates, war creates bestiality on both sides. Thus, in the process of going to war on behalf of Israel, we terrorize and kill civilians through air bombings, we suspend habeas corpus and torture prisoners, we allow private security firms to shoot civilians with impunity. All this serves to inspire more anti-US hatred, which is just what the Israel Lobby wants. These Israel-firsters are pleased that Israel is not alone in being the object of world hatred. These American traitors are disinterested in the fact that America is losing troops, treasure, and most important her soul merely to perpetuate the Israeli occupation.
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