How Can Bush Sleep?
President Bush doesn't read much and thus is no doubt unaware of the excellent article by professors Mearsheimer and Walt showing how the Israeli Lobby pushed the U.S. into war. Cindy Sheehan wonders for what noble cause her son died in Iraq. The Lobby wanted to topple Saddam Hussein because he supported the Palestinians' right to resist the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. The Palestinian West Bank encompasses 2200 square miles, and thus the noble cause for which each American soldier has died is less than one square mile of occupied land. Their deaths enable Israel to maintain control of their stolen property. Meanwhile, as reported by Jeffrey Gettleman in The New York Times (3/26/06), piles of tortured bodies are being discovered in Iraq, with eyes gouged out, fingernails extracted, faces burned with acid, appendages chopped off, bones broken, skulls cracked if not beheaded, and riddled with power-drill holes. Apparently President Bush retires early each night but one wonders how he can sleep knowing that every pain-filled scream in this ill-advised and unnecessary war is his fault.