Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Letters to the Editor

More often than not, the Letters to the Editor section is more informative, enlightening, and insightful than the rest of the newspaper. Today's New York Times is a prime example. In response to a March 4 editorial, "Underwriting Hamas," Gary E. Kaminski of Buena Vista, Pa. writes, "What is blindingly obvious is that the root of the hostility of Palestinian people toward Israel is the brutal occupation of their land by a foreign government. That you can write an editorial on the subject and not even mention the occupation beggars belief." Also, Munjed Farid Al Qutob of London writes, "Your editorial lacks evenhandedness in dealing with the Palestinians. Hamas is being asked to recognize Israel's right to exist and abandon violence. But if the United States is to play the role of an honest broker in peace negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, it cannot give Israel America's blank check. The United States is hated in the Islamic world because of its unconditional, unlimited support of Israel. Palestinians, no less than anybody else in the world, have a right to resist occupation. Nobody can deprive them of this right."


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