Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Morphing into Israel

Because of its longstanding oppressive occupation of Palestine, Israel is hated throughout the world, and as Israel's financial backer, so are we. Indeed, that is why we were attacked on 9/11, according to the mastermind himself, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (See "The 9/11 Commission Report" p. 147). Since then we have worsened the situation by morphing into Israel. Just as Israel occupies Palestine, we occupy Iraq. Just as Israel destroys buildings to kill its enemies, killing innocent people in the process, so do we. Just as Israelis shoot innocent people at checkpoints, thinking they might be enemies, so do we. Just as Israel arrests and holds large numbers of people indefinitely, so do we. Fortress Israel has a wall around it for protection, and its citizens have gas masks, lots of plastic sheeting and duct tape, etc. Here comes Fortress America.


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