Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Why Iraq? Part 4

Douglas Feith worked in the Pentagon under President Reagan. James Bamford writes, "Soon after leaving the Pentagon and into the 1990s, Feith began turning more and more extreme in his pro-Israel and anti-Arab and -Palestinian views. He churned out constant diatribes in Israeli newspapers..." He wrote that there should be more Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, that the Oslo peace process should end, that the occupied territories belonged to Israel, that the Palestinians belonged in Jordan, and that there should be regime change in Iraq. ("A Pretext for War" p. 279) All three authors of the 1996 "A Clean Break" paper (see previous entry) were to hold influential positions in President George W. Bush's administration. Douglas Feith became Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Richard Perle was Chairman of the Defense Policy Board, and David Wurmser "shuttled from special assistant to Undersecretary of State John Bolton, to Feith's shop at the Pentagon, to special assistant to 'Scooter' Libby, now chief of staff to Vice President Cheney" (Patrick Buchanan "Where the Right Went Wrong" p. 45).


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