Thursday, March 25, 2010

Netanyahu's Private Meeting with the President

President Obama: "It was most rude and insulting of you to announce more settlement expansion during Vice President Biden's visit."

Prime Minister Netanyahu: "Sorry! Now about Iran..."

Obama: "But if you would make peace with the Palestinians, and thus the entire Arab/Muslim world, Iran would no longer be a concern!"

Netanyahu: "Peace would mean giving up land the Bible says is ours. Now about Iran..."

Obama: "But international law and UN Security Council resolutions say you must withdraw from the occupied territories, including occupied Arab East Jerusalem."

Netanayahu: "The Bible says we are God's chosen people and thus above the law. Now about Iran, if you don't strike, we will."

Obama: "For one thing, Iran is not close to having a bomb. For another, Americans are aware that Israel Lobby neocons lied them into a costly unnecessary war with Iraq, and Americans do not want a war with Iran, also on behalf of Israel."

Netanyahu: "No problem. We control your media so we can sell this war just as easily as we sold the last one. Your Congress is also bought and paid for. Our Speaker "Madame" easily gets the other harlots to pass any bill the Israel Lobby writes up."

Obama: "But opinion is changing. Your civilian massacres in Gaza resulted in bad publicity. And it's becoming clear that your endless persecution of the Palestinians is what inspires anti-American terrorism, as on 9/11."

Netanyahu: "Again, we are a very religious people. Our God instructs us to commit religious genocide: 'Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.' Samuel I 15:3."

Obama: "57 countries in the world do not recognize Israel because of your illegal occupations and persecutions. Already you've gotten us fighting in five of them, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia, in one way or another, and that's enough. We're going bankrupt. Our US Treasury bonds are in danger of losing their triple-A rating. And if you strike Iran, there will be retaliation against our many troops in the area, dragging us into another war. Iran will surely block oil shipping in the Persian Gulf, driving up oil prices sky-high, the last thing our economy needs."

Netanyahu: "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Being An American

America has opened her arms to people of all races, religions, and nationalities, asking merely that they pledge their loyalty to America first and foremost. America's interests, including national security interests and economic interests, should take priority.

Currently, America faces an existential threat from some of its own citizens whose loyalty to Israel is above else. Many of these Israel-firsters serve in the Israeli military but don't bother to serve in the US military. They urge Israel to continue violating international law and UN Security Council resolutions which call for Israel's withdrawal from occupied Muslim lands, even though Israel's illegal occupations inspire anti-American terrorism as on 9/11.

Israel-firsters lie America into unnecessary wars with Israel's enemies even though this bankrupts our country. Due to Israel's illegal occupations, war crimes, and other atrocities, 57 countries do not recognize Israel. The Israel-firsters want America to fight all of them. Iran is next on their wish list.

Israel-firsters control our politicians and media so that Americans are kept in the dark. To Israel-firsters, assimilation is a bad word because their allegiance is to their "birthright" Israel and not to our country. They do not deserve to be Americans.