Just as the Israel Lobby neocons used scare tactics to lie us into the unnecessary war with Iraq, they are undertaking a repeat performance with regard to Iran. The Israel Lobby's stranglehold on the media is most useful in selling wars. On Bill Moyers' PBS documentary "Buying the War," Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz pointed out that between August 2002 and March 2003, there were 140 front page Washington Post articles promoting the war as opposed to only a handful of articles with questions or an opposing view.
A UN International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report was hyped recently by the media in an attempt at fear-mongering: "IAEA Suspects Iran Seeks Nuclear Arms" The Wall Street Journal 2/19/10; "IAEA fears Iran making a warhead" The Boston Globe 2/19/10; etc. Yet if one reads the fine print, the IAEA report actually states that there are "concerns about the possible existence in Iran of past or current undisclosed activities related to the development of a nuclear payload for a missile." (The New York Times 2/19/10) This is nothing new. Our own intelligence assessment concludes that in the past there had been work on a bomb but this was suspended in 2003. Speaking on the PBS McLaughlin Group 2/19/10, Pat Buchanan observed that the issuing of this report merely shows that "the IAEA is now in the pocket of the US and Israel." "ElBaradei [recently retired IAEA chief] was an honest guy." "Iran is no threat whatsoever to the USA."
The IAEA reported concerns that the Iranians were loath to disclose the whereabouts of their nuclear scientists. This is hardly surprising since the Mossad loves to murder them. In a 5/16-17/09 Wall Street Journal op-ed, Israeli journalist and author Ronen Bergman notes that under the current leadership of Meir Dagan, who was head of a secret Israeli assassinations unit in the 70's, the Mossad has focused on sabotaging the Iranian nuclear program, including crashing planes, setting labs ablaze, removing nuclear scientists, etc. On 11/24/09, the BBC reported the arrest of an Israeli in Tel Aviv for planting a bomb under a vehicle. Turns out the bomb was a fake, and the man was a Mossad agent-in-training. On January 12, 2010, an Iranian nuclear physicist was blown up by means of a motorcycle bomb. The Mossad operates ostentatiously above the law as seen with their recent Dubai murder. Talking heads in the media merely chuckle.
Similarly, the Israeli nuclear weapons program never submits to UN inspections whereas the Iranian peaceful program is heavily inspected. If there is to be a nuclear arms race in the region it will be due to the presence of Israel's nukes, since it is Israel who is the world's expansionist occupying invader, not Iran. As reported by Ronen Bergman in Newsweek 12/21/09, Dagan himself said that Iran could not have nuclear weapons before 2014.
The media in the push to war claim that diplomacy has "failed." Yet as reported by George Jahn (AP) 2/24/10, the Iranians, in an official letter, accepted the West's offer to trade its enriched uranium for nuclear fuel rods. Their stipulation is that the exchange take place simultaneously and on Iranian territory. This is not an unreasonable request considering that Iran has zero reason to trust the West which demands that Iran ship out its uranium and wait a year for fuel rods. After all, the US funds anti-Iranian terror groups, as reported by Seymour Hersh in The New Yorker 7/07/08, including the Sunni group Jundallah, said to be linked to al Qaeda. Iran's security forces recently captured a Jundallah leader whom they say has ties to the CIA and the Mossad and who was carrying a US-arranged Afghan passport. Jundallah has taken responsibility for terror attacks killing numerous Iranians, including civilians. (The New York Times 2/24/10) This is where our taxpayer dollars go: fomenting wars for Israel.