Spies and members of underground resistance movements have been known to carry poison pills to pop if captured: hopeless endless torture is worse than a quick death. Similarly, the Gaza Holocaust is worse than the Nazi holocaust.
The Israelis sadistically torture the
Gazans incarcerated in this Nazi death camp the way a cat tortures a mouse: tossing it up in the air, letting it momentarily escape only to pounce on it again, enjoying the creature's terrified squeals until it squeals no more. Israeli collective punishment in Gaza is designed to destroy body and soul. Dante's words apply: "All hope abandon, ye who enter here." At least some of the Nazis' inmates were eventually rescued by the Allied forces.
Gaza's only hope would be a peace settlement, but this is anathema to
Netanyahu whose settlement expansion policy is consistent with his
Likud Party's charter opposing a Palestinian state. A peace settlement would also end our involvement in these Wars for the Jewish Settlers (
ie Iraq and Afghanistan) since, after all, 9/11 was motivated by our biased support of Israel and its illegal occupations. However, just as the Nazis loved to steal Jewish assets and businesses, the Israelis love to steal the Palestinian land, water resources and livelihoods, especially the
super-profitable Holy Land tourist trade.
One has only to view Gaza today to see the Zionist devastation. Because one Israeli soldier was captured, (the Israelis hold over 8000 political prisoners including 390 children mostly
alleged to have thrown stones), and because a small number of Israelis (less than 30 in the past 8 years) were killed by rockets from Gaza, the Israelis conducted a blitzkrieg against 1.5 million prisoners in overcrowded little Gaza. During this Reign of Terror from December 27 to January 18, 2009, Israeli war crimes were rampant, as documented by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Breaking the Silence, (an Israeli veterans group), and the UN
Goldstone Report.
The Israelis bulldozed and intentionally bombed farms, poultry, orchards, food factories, water wells, sewerage facilities, hospitals, civilian shelters, schools containing students, thousands of houses, (later vandalized), mosques during prayers, ambulances, UN facilities, and other civilian infrastructure. The aim was to make life for
Gazans unlivable forever,and it was followed by a tightening of the blockade to prevent rebuilding.
Heavy artillery and missiles from drones were used against civilians along with white phosphorous, which produces excruciating deadly burns. For instance, civilians, forced by Israeli soldiers into a house, died when the house was then shelled. Children looking out of the windows of their houses were shot. Women and children waving white
flags in plain view and posing no threat were shot to death. Israelis shelled the main UN
compound which was sheltering 700 civilians even though UN officials were communicating to Israelis at the time. Israelis prevented the wounded from receiving treatment. Over 1400 Palestinians died, including 252 children under 16. Ten Israeli soldiers died, including four who were shot by the Israelis themselves.
Meanwhile our Gaza Holocaust-denying Congressional whores keep turning tricks for their Israel Lobby Johns, dutifully passing every resolution the Israel Lobby writes, most recently one condemning the
Goldstone report, naturally. Congress bankrupts the country by funding all the Wars for the Jewish Settlers so as to keep their Israel Lobby-generated campaign funds flowing. It is this obscene corrupted version of democracy which we so blithely try to spread around the world at gunpoint, and it's hardly surprising that no one wants it. We have thus far successfully inspired notoriously corrupt governments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Just as the illegal Israeli occupations generated suicide terrorists, so our non-stop occupations have generated a suicide epidemic in our young soldiers: 16 in October, bringing the year's total at the end of October to 134, poised to break last year's record of 140. All hope abandon, ye who enter here.