The "O" Word and the "L" Word
Our country is Occupied by Lobbyists. The health industry lobbyists make sure the greedy health insurance executives continue to make obscene profits by preventing Americans from obtaining the health care they need. The banking/finance industry lobbyists make sure there are no meaningful regulations which might prevent their greedy executives from making even more obscene profits to be paid for by yet unborn taxpayers who must fund the bailouts. The Israel Lobby, in happy collaboration with the Military Industrial Complex Lobby, makes sure America wages never-ending wars against those Muslim nations who object to Israel's greedy illegal occupations.
Israel Lobby neocons are thus currently pushing for an escalation to our occupation of Afghanistan and an escalation of crippling sanctions against Iran, which they hope will lead to yet another war on behalf of Israel. The Israel Lobby-dominated Congress and the Israel Lobby-dominated media avoid the "O" word, so that in discussions of Palestinian resistance groups, for instance, such as Hamas, it is never mentioned that it is Israel's illegal occupation which is the violence motivator. We only hear about this from bin Laden who keeps telling us that this is why we have to fight al Qaeda to begin with.
Meanwhile our Secretary of State arrogantly lectures other countries: "In Moscow, Clinton Urges Russia to Open Its Political System" (The New York Times 10/15/09) Our political system is indeed open, ie open to entrenched occupation by lobbyists to the detriment of the American people. Other countries would be wise not to follow suit.