Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lest We Forget: Jewish Terrorism

Currently our policy is: don't talk to terrorists. But isn't that hypocritical, considering the fact that terrorists have become our allies? Take, for instance, Jewish terrorism. Israel was actually born out of terrorism. Notorious Jewish terror groups such as the Irgun and the Stern Gang attacked the British as well as the Palestinian Arabs who had lived there 1300 years.

In 1946 the Irgun bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem killing 91. The Stern Gang assassinated Count Folke Bernadotte, the Swedish UN mediator, in 1948. The Irgun and the Stern Gang played major roles in the 1948 terrorist ethnic cleansing of Arab civilians, as is well-documented, village-by-village, in the book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pappe. This included the massacre of the Arab village of Deir Yassin in which thirty babies were slaughtered while their mothers were raped and killed, along with many others. The massacre was proudly advertised by the Jewish leadership in order to sow terror and induce other Arabs to flee.

The leader of the Stern Gang was future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, and future Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin commanded the Irgun. In 1953, Ariel Sharon led a commando unit which blew up a building in the Arab village of Kibya killing 69 Palestinians including women and children. Twenty years later, Ariel "The Butcher of Lebanon" Sharon, then Israeli Defense Minister, was held accountable for the cold-blooded 1982 massacre of more than a thousand defenseless Palestinian civilians in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in Lebanon. For this Sharon was forbidden by the Israeli government from ever again becoming Defense Minister. Instead he became Israeli Prime Minister, being elected after he started the 2nd intifada (Palestinian uprising) by ostentatiously parading around the Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem. Palestinian President Arafat had begged then Prime Minister Barak not to allow this provocation by candidate Sharon, since Arafat wanted to prevent the predictable violent reaction, but Barak refused.

Question: why is it that terrorists can become Israeli Prime Ministers and yet the policy is not to talk to terrorists?

Answer: the term terrorist is reserved for enemies of Israel's occupation.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Zionist Dissemination of Faulty Pro-War Intelligence

The former president George W. Bush said recently that his biggest regret was the faulty intelligence (which took us to war with Iraq under false pretenses). A major source of this false pro-war material came from the Pentagon office of former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith, as documented in the February 9, 2007 report of the Department of Defense Inspector General (Report No. 07-INTEL-04). This report found that Feith's office had expanded its role from policy to "analyzing and disseminating alternative intelligence." This "alternative intelligence" included conclusions that were inconsistent with the consensus of the Intelligence Community but were nevertheless disseminated to senior White House decision makers to whom the alternative intelligence was "shown as intelligence products" without clearly showing their variance with the consensus of the Intelligence Community.

As James Bamford notes in his book A Pretext for War, Douglas Feith has long been known as a Zionist zealot, publicly advocating Jewish settlement expansion in occupied Palestine and opposing peace processes such as Oslo and Camp David. In 1996 Feith joined with fellow Zionists Richard Perle and David Wurmser to produce an Israeli strategy paper "A Clean Break" for then Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. This strategy paper advocated overthrowing Saddam Hussein to benefit Israel. In 2003 this came to pass, at the great cost of American blood and treasure, because the American people were deceived by false intelligence.

Feith's office presented briefings to senior policy makers which went beyond the available intelligence and asserted that an alleged al-Qaida/Iraq Prague meeting in April 2001 was a "known contact." This unconfirmed meeting between lead 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta and Iraqi intelligence officer al-Ani actually never occurred but was used by senior Bush administration officials in pushing us into the unnecessary war with Iraq. Feith's office drew false conclusions about the relationship between Iraq and al Qaida such as that "intelligence indicates cooperation in all categories;" that there is a "mature, symbiotic relationship with "shared interest and pursuit of WMD," and also said there were "indications of possible Iraqi coordination with al Qaida specifically related to 9/11." These statements were at variance with the conclusions of the Intelligence Community.

Feith's office furthermore did not notify the Intelligence Community of their presentations at which they further "undercut" the Intelligence Community by declaring that the Intelligence Community had "fundamental problems" assessing information. The American people were misled by the Zionists into thinking that Saddam Hussein, whom the Israel-firsters wished to depose to benefit Israel, was a threat to the United States. (He was not.) And thus we embarked on the greatest foreign policy blunder in US history.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Olmert Tells It Like It Is (Again)

The New York Times reports (1/13/09) that Israeli Prime Minister Olmert is boasting that he insisted President Bush order Secretary of State Rice not to vote for the recent UN Security Council Gaza cease-fire resolution. Olmert says he demanded to speak to Bush even though Bush was in the middle of a speech and that Bush "got off the podium" to take Olmert's phone call. Olmert, aware that Rice had helped draft the resolution, brags that Rice was "left pretty embarrassed" when Bush followed Olmert's command and directed Rice to abstain. (The UN Security Council cease-fire resolution passed 14-0 with the US abstaining.)

One has to admire Olmert for telling it like it is, even if it is politically incorrect. The Israel Lobby is always denying that it controls US foreign policy against the interests of the United States. However, as professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt document in their best-selling book The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy, the Israel Lobby does have undue influence, and this has been damaging to America.

Take the Iraq War, for instance. The Israel Lobby neocons disseminated false intelligence to sell the war to the White House and the American people so as to benefit Israel. This war, whose long-term cost is estimated at $3 trillion, all borrowed, is considered the greatest foreign policy blunder in our nation's history. The Israel Lobby busily tried to deny that the war benefited Israel, but here again Olmert came right out and said "The Iraq War was a boon for Israel's security" and "Thank God for the power and the determination and leadership manifested by President Bush." (Reuters, 11/22/06)

In September 2008, Olmert stated publicly that in order to have peace, Israel must withdraw from occupied East Jerusalem and almost all of the West Bank. He also criticized the violence of the West Bank Jewish settlers labeling it an "evil wind of extremism." (Los Angeles Times 9/30/08) Olmert is correct: evil extremism is the root of our problems.

How To Stop Hamas Rockets

The July 29, 2008 Rand report found that most terrorist groups end by means other than military force, such as by joining the political process. For instance, the Catholic terrorist group IRA, which had sworn to eliminate wee Northern Ireland (majority Protestant) by incorporating it into the much larger Irish Republic (almost all Catholic), was brought into the political process. Through diplomacy the situation was resolved, and there is finally peace in Northern Ireland.

Hamas has also tried to join the political process and won the internationally sanctioned 2006 elections in Palestine. As President Jimmy Carter wrote in The New York Times 4/28/08, Hamas "gained a reputation for effective and honest administration" and "proposed a unity government with Fatah."

Unfortunately, the Israel Lobby/neocon-dominated Bush administration's no talk policy meant no diplomacy for Palestine. After heavily financing Fatah in the elections, we then heavily armed them so as to bring about a civil war. (Note: fomenting civil wars among Muslims has been a longstanding Israeli strategy, as expressed by Oded Yinon in 1982.)

Promoting a Fatah/Hamas civil war successfully resulted in the isolation of Hamas in the prison called Gaza where Israeli assassination squads could continue murdering Hamas leaders not only in Gaza but in the West Bank as well.

As President Jimmy Carter pointed out (The New York Times 4/28/08), Hamas had agreed to accept any peace agreement negotiated by Israel and Fatah's President Abbas as long as it was approved by the Palestinian people in a referendum. (Note: Speaking at Columbia University, Iran's president Ahmadinejad said Iran would also respect such a peace deal.)

Hamas does not recognize the current Israeli regime but then neither do numerous Arab/Muslim states. Under the Arab League Peace Plan, these countries have pledged to finally recognize Israel when Israel complies with UN resolutions and ends its illegal occupations.

As Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi noted in The New York Times 1/08/09, the June cease-fire between Hamas and Israel was supposed to mean that both the starvation blockade of Gaza and the Israeli assassinations ended. They did not. In November, six Hamas members were killed, and the cease-fire broke down.

Israel's mass murder of civilians in Gaza is serving to increase world-wide anti-Semitism and anti-American terrorism. The only way to stop these rockets is through a comprehensive fair and just peace settlement such as the Arab League Peace Plan.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Israelis Idea of a Fun Time

As reported in The Wall Street Journal 1/08/09, Israelis now love to picnic on hilltops watching with binoculars the ongoing Israeli military massacres in the death camp called Gaza. Most of the 1.5 million captive Palestinians in tiny Gaza are from families herded there following the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Jewish terrorists. The current offensive is a continuation of this ethnic cleansing/genocide.

Israel attempts to justify the massive numbers of civilians it is slaughtering by claiming Hamas uses human shields, but the truth is that Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas on earth with its inmates packed in like sardines in a tin can. The Israelis have shelled schools, hospitals, and, yesterday, the UN headquarters where 700 Palestinian civilians were sheltered and thousands of gallons of fuel stored.

Israel claimed that Hamas militants were firing from within the UN headquarters but UN officials strongly deny this and point out that Israeli liaison officers, with whom they were in constant contact, never mentioned this concern to them (The New York Times 1/16/09) .

Furthermore, the Israelis used white phosphorus on the UN headquarters despite the fact that it has been outlawed as a weapon: such use amounts to chemical warfare resulting in horrific burns. Its only legal use is for illumination in non-densely-populated areas.

The Israeli UN bombing also destroyed hundreds of tons of food and medicine desperately needed by the suffering Palestinians. A few days earlier CNN showed an injured Palestinian woman in a hospital crying because her 6-month-old baby had died from lack of food and water due to the Israeli starvation blockade. BBC newscasts have also shown Gazans burned with white phosphorus and Palestinian children with multiple bullets in their brains. All this provides more fun times for the Israeli hilltop picnickers who can then go home and for dessert watch on TV the morbid close-up details of mangled and dead Palestinian women and children.

Monday, January 05, 2009

The 9/11/Gaza Cover-up

After 9/11, NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani refused a $10 million donation to World Trade Center victims' families because the Saudi prince donor planned to tell the American people the truth about the cause of anti-American hatred. Indeed, TV talk show hosts and print journalists have lost their jobs for daring to speak the truth. And one has to really dig in the 567 pages of The 9/11 Commission Report to discover (page 147) that the mastermind of 9/11 said he hated us because of our pro-Israeli foreign policy.

Similarly, the truth of the American-supported illegal and inhumane Israeli policies in Palestine is covered-up in the current reporting and media discussion of events in Gaza. We are led to believe by the Israel Lobby-dominated media that "righteous democratic" Israel was just sitting there innocently minding its own business when rockets came sailing over the wall "for no reason," as the Israeli president told us on ABC's "This Week" yesterday.

The neocon Israel Lobby narrative always begins with the rockets and not with the ethnic cleansing, occupation, apartheid policies, targeted assassinations, expanding settlements, continuing confiscation of Arab land, and incarceration in Gaza of 1.5 million people lacking vital necessities due to a long-standing economic blockade. These people can have no hope of the unified economically viable Palestinian state to which they have been entitled for 60 years if greedy Israel continues to have its way.

There is no cover-up in the rest of the world, however. The Arab media, for instance, shows live unedited footage of mangled hacked-up bloodied bodies of bombed children imprisoned in the jail called Gaza. This is never to be seen on US TV which has been "sanitized." The Israel Lobby-dominated media also has censured the coverage of civilian deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq, and, of course, the lies and "fixed" intelligence which pushed us into the unnecessary war with Iraq, fought on behalf of Israel, were also hidden from the American people.

Just as there were world-wide demonstrations against our invasion of Iraq, there are now world-wide anti-Israel and anti-US demonstrations protesting the US-supported Israeli bombing of the imprisoned starving Palestinians tragically trapped in Gaza. Blocking a UN ceasefire resolution, we give Israel a green light to continue its ethnic cleansing/genocide in Palestine. This is how Israel solves its "demographic" problem.


Hitler illegally occupied his neighbors, and Israel illegally occupies Palestine and parts of Syria and Lebanon. Nazi Germany was a racist state, and so is Israel with its ethnic cleansing of native Palestinian Arabs who have lived there 1300 years. In occupied Palestine there are expanding Jew-only settlements connected by Jew-only roads which serve to constrict, disconnect, and isolate the Palestinian people. Gaza is a massive Nazi-like concentration camp where 1.5 million inmates are crowded into a tiny narrow strip of land sealed off from the outside world. Israel controls the air, land, and sea walling off the prison. There has been an inhumane economic blockade for 18 months, not lifted despite Hamas cease-fires which were broken, as usual, by Israel's targeted assassinations. Now Israel is bombing and invading this captive population which has grossly inadequate food, water, and medical necessities. In the Israelis' goal of killing all those who hate them, they of course increase the hatred by infinite multiples.

Meanwhile the US is blocking a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire, just as we delayed a ceasefire in Israel's 2006 trashing of Lebanon, so as to give the Israeli murderers more time to kill and maim innocent Lebanese civilians. As professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt point out in their 2006 best-selling book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, between 1972 and 2006, the US vetoed 42 UN Security Council resolutions that were critical of Israel. It is not surprising that the rest of the world identifies us with Israel, and that there are currently world-wide demonstrations against Israel's bombing of Auschwitz.