Friday, April 03, 2009

America: Stop Copying Israel

Because the powerful Israel Lobby dictates unconditional US support for Israel, we have long been targeted by terrorists. After 9/11, Israel Lobby neocons managed to bring about our adoption of Israeli policies such as preemptive wars and invasions, occupations, targeted assassinations, aerial bombings and missile attacks with deaths of civilians, detention of prisoners without habeas corpus, and torture.

Israel has a long history of torture. Amnesty International stated in November 1998 that "there is general acceptance by the international community that Israel has legalised the use of torture." (See Robert Fisk: The Great War for Civilisation) Israel apologist Alan Dershowitz, who of course says he is opposed to torture, nevertheless argues for legalizing it. (See his op-ed "Democrats and Waterboarding" The Wall Street Journal 11/7/07.)

The abuse, torture, and deaths at Abu Ghraib Prison resulted in increased anti-American hatred world-wide. By morphing into Israel we have swelled the ranks of terrorists. Let's hope President Obama reverses this process and restores America values. So far he has made it clear: no torture.


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